

Guimaras Island has been my favorite place since i was a child...eventhough i have not been to Boracay Island ( which is just few miles away from us hehehehe) I really prefer to be in this majestic place...everytime we go for excursion or just a simple beach party we frequently made it may not have the glamour of Puerto Galera and the powdery sand of Boracay, but then i like to be here because i love this place...

Way back when i was in my college days, we went on island hopping with my officers...go diving in the clear water near Isla Naburot...peeping the tunnels and caves...went on boating the whole morning, etc...its really a great place to relax while enjoying the wonders of nature...

One Morning...

I can sense sometimes that my friends felt I'm boring to be with...di ko nga alam eh, ewan ko ba! Well i have nothing to do with it if I'm just like that...maybe its just because im a person in love with silence, wierd isn't it?...if possible I'm really trying to make things done with my self alone...and guess what, i can live the day without talking to someone! grrrrrrrr

I really value the importance of silence, with this i can think peacefully, plan things to be done, make priority list, build long term goals, etc...whew! too much of it hehehehe

Obviously, my close freinds were more wierder than I am!


When i woke up one morning and start craving for the fresh air at the beach (planning to do a 200-meter jog... just a plan) i was so surprised to see an old man walking at the shoreline...though i have my blurred eyeglasses with me, i can see his lonely shadows...

Hayy kabuhi, from the words of Mam B: " Life is not a bed of roses. Trials, disapointments, and rejections makes our life more colorful... muna gid ya ang life daw LIFE gid!

Qoutes of Patriotism and Loyalty

Thou shalt love thy country
After thy God and thy honor more than thy self ;
For she is the only Paradise which God has given thee
Inheritance of thy ancestors,
And the only hope of thy posterity;
Because of her; thou hast life, love and interest, and honor

- Apolinario Mabini

"We want our girls and boys to be thought :
That the Philippines is their country,
That they must keep it for themselves
And for their children
That they must live it for it and if necessary die for it."

- Manuel L. Quezon

"Swim or sink, live or die, survive
or perish with
My country was my unalterable determination."
John Adams
"I dedicated myself and my life to the flag
of my country and to those ideals for which it stands-
honesty, valor, liberty, fraternity, and democracy."

- Teodoro Yangco


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or what you want to become.

You never know who these people may be (possible your room-mate, neighbor, professor, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger), but when you lock eyes with them, you know that at very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized you potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without this small test, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.


Hey guys ... meet my friend Maya. he maybe the old Philippines' "pambansang ibon" yet i like this picture to be included here in my blog...this was once published in the Technovator 2004 Magazine Issue with a theme " Natures Plight". this was also attached on my article "Clipping the Wings of the West Visayas Birds.

Sea Turtles

During our island hopping at Guimaras we visited this hidden island where they said sea turtles ( pawikan ) dwells. Hundred meters away it looks like just an ordinary island...but hey, the beautiful view under the pumped boat makes me more interested in diving. Its awesome! its like a paradise...groups of red shrimps are anywhere, green sea weeds softly sways as i saw it clearly. Whats makes this island more interesting ( enchanting ) is that there is an old woman who has a pawikan. I immediately went to see if the stories were true that this pawikan is as wide as half our door, surprisingly it went BIGGER than i expected, just after 2 years and a half. Its so big that it cant move freely in its pond, three to five men would lift her waaaaaahhhh! But im really sad to

see that pawikan...the caretaker said they did try to free her even before but then it again returned, so they just made a pond for her.

Whew! lately i just heared shes not there anymore...huhuhu

To be, or not to be...

When I was in grade 1, I used to play, I used to run, but people always say to me,
"when you grow up what would you like to be?" and i say "
why?" I think I'd like to be the sky, or be a plane or train or mouse, or maybe a haunted house,
or maybe something furry, rough, and wild,
or maybe...I will stay a child...